If marketing is how you tell your story, then branding IS your story! To borrow a phrase from Simon Sinek, “An exceptional brand starts with ‘Why.’”
A brand is more than a logo. It is the sum of your history, name, reputation, culture, and goals. It’s something that must be defined, reinforced, and defended. It’s who you are to your clients and your audience.
We help our clients discover their brand – their “why.” This is not something we can do by ourselves; we need to be deeply aware of your business goals and ambitions. We need to understand what makes you tick and who your ideal customers are so that, together, we not only tell the story you want to tell, but also deliver an experience that will wow your customers.
Practically speaking, we work with clients to develop their brand identity in the following ways:
- Brand Style Guides
- Logos & Graphic Design
- Brand Auditing
- Brand Positioning & Awareness Campaigns
- Photography & Design